I am Wennan He

Name: Wennan He

Profile: Software Engineer

Email: Wennan.He@anu.edu.au

Phone: Secret!


Unity / C# (Software / Game) 90%
Python 90%
XR / MR 80%
Back-end (Django, SpringBoot) 50%
Front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) 30%
About me
March 2019 - November 2021

Graduated from The College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University . A two-year study by research work for The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) major in Computer Science-Human Computer Interaction (Research in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality), Australian National University.

Thesis Title: “Tracking Support for Collaborative Warehousing using Head-mounted Augmented Reality” . The research project is extended from my Honours project in my bachelor’s degree. The project is related to the tracking technology with Microsoft HoloLens using the SLAM algorithm and the spatial anchor.


March 2019 - November 2021

Graduated from The College of Engineering and Computer Science, Australian National University . A four-year study for Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) with major in Renewable Energy Systems. Honours project: related to the programming with C#. The research topic was on developing a new Augmented Reality (AR) technology combining marker-based tracking and the world tracking technologies in Microsoft HoloLens Device for greenhouse workers in some aspects of agriculture.



The skills that I can contribute to your service

Software Development

Proficient skills on developing Android, iOS and PC applications with Unity. Also, I have strong experience on developing simple PC applications with Python (services like bots, scraping, data analysis etc).

Game Development

Proficient skills on game pattern design with Unity such as game components capsulation. I have experience on 3D modelling with Maya and 3D max and also have experiences on developing 3D MMORPG and 2D games.

Web Development

I have strong experiences on developing the web applications with Django and R shiny service, also get good knowledges on basic HTML, CSS and Javascript (this site might be a good example).

XR/MR Service

I have proficient skills on developing software applications in Mixed Reality (MR) service by Unity, especially in Oculus Quest and Microsoft Hololens.

CRM Service

I have experience on designing the database of customer relationship management and implement to the back-end with SpringBoot.


Amateur experience on photography and get advanced skills with photo and video editing in Adobe Photoshoop, Premiere and After Effect.






Work experience that support my current skills

3DRPG Indie Game

Game Development / Jan. 4, 2021

Wheat Physiology Predictor

Web Development / Aug. 15, 2019

Augmented Project Portfolio Collaboration

Web Development / Sept. 1, 2021

Spatial Anchor Based Indoor Assets Tracking

XR Development / Sept. 11, 2019

Pedigree Crawler

XR Development / Oct. 9, 2019

Plants Tracking

XR Development / March 13, 2018

MagicLeap Demo

XR Development / June 6, 2019

Everest Word Game

Game Development / Jan. 11, 2022

Data Visualisation - Racing

Software Development / March 17, 2022

Data Visualisation - Sports

Software Development / April 6, 2022

Virtual Presentation - News

Software Development / July 6, 2022
Spatial Anchor Based Indoor Asset Tracking 1st Author

He, W., Xi, M., Gardner, H., Swift, B. & Adcock, M. (2021, March). Spatial Anchor Based Indoor Asset Tracking. In 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 255-259). IEEE.

Reducing latency in a collaborative augmented reality service 1st Author

He, W., Swift, B., Gardner, H., Xi, M., & Adcock, M. (2019, November). Reducing latency in a collaborative augmented reality service. In The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (pp. 1-9).

Sonic Sculpture: Activating Engagement with Head-Mounted Augmented Reality 4th Author

Martin, C.P., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., He, W. and Gardner, H., 2020. Sonic Sculpture: Activating Engagement with Head-Mounted Augmented Reality. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02311.

Wheat physiology predictor: predicting physiological traits in wheat from hyperspectral reflectance measurements using deep learning Collaborator

Furbank, R. T., Silva-Perez, V., Evans, J. R., Condon, A. G., Estavillo, G. M., He, W. & He, Z. (2021). Wheat physiology predictor: predicting physiological traits in wheat from hyperspectral reflectance measurements using deep learning. Plant methods, 17 (1), 1-15.


Somthing about my daily life and some interesting tutorials about development!

Web Development

Host to host your web application in server

This is a simple tutorial on how to develop a simple web application with Django, I'll use the easiest way to explain how to host you app in your server..