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In this tutorial, I'm not gonna talk about how to build an actual web application with Django, because it's really a lot of things here

If you are interested in Django development with web application, you can start here for Django tutorial, which gives you some basic ideas to understand how Django works. But I'm sure I'll also write some more blogs to introduce the Django framework in detail, so let's look forward to it! 

Before we start, I assume that you have the following basic experiences in web development (I'm not TALKING that you should be professional! As I'm also still learning because my primary field is not on WEB ):

  1. front-end: html, css, javascript
  2. back-end: process the data and tells front-end what to display for client side
  3. Linux: whatever ubuntu, centos etc. As most of the servers use them.


We need to have a server first, we can easily rent a server from many approaches like Google, Microsoft Azure, and AWS. But what I'm using is from Vultr which is pretty inexpensive and easy to set up, it is really up to you for your own options as long as you can get your server running successfully:

After getting your server done, I recommend also getting a management panel for your server. From my previous experiences, it is really time-killed actions while you are dealing with terminal operations such as mkdir, cd to you path, nano/vim a file, create database...

For example, I'm using aaPanel for a while and it is a pretty good panel for me to get all these steps done. Just a nice reminding that if you are a learner, I recommend you keeping doing terminal stuff as it can al least let you know the base actions and you can also learn a lot.

As you can see that it includes huge useful functions that will largely save you time! Whatever creating database via phpMyAdmin, or write your own commands via terminal, and you can also view your files or create a new file which is really useful.

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